Calling all EDIHs: share your stories of digital transformation success

Tell us about your experience within the EDIH Network and turn the spotlight on your hub as a model of excellence and inspiration. 

As part of our commitment to fostering digital transformation and innovation, the DTA team invites all EDIHs to share inspiring examples of their successful collaboration with SMEs or PSOs.

Your submissions are not just stories; they are testaments to the power of digital innovation in enhancing the resilience and competitiveness of the EU. By sharing these narratives, you contribute to a knowledge-rich ecosystem, offering insights and inspiring practices that can benefit other hubs and companies across Europe.

How to participate

EDIHs can submit their stories via the ‘My EDIH’ section on the platform. Become familiar with the guidelines and follow them to ensure your story’s impact and innovation are clearly communicated.

The DTA will actively support you on the submission of your success story or good practice and offer guidance on how you can further enhance your methods.

The stories will be published on the EDIH Network website, promoted on social media, and used to create educational materials and training courses. Furthermore, they will be featured in the EDIH Network Annual Summit in 2024, highlighting your achievements to the entire EU community.

Why participate?

  • Demonstrate how you have actively helped to advance the digital transformation.
  • Boost your hub’s visibility within the European digital ecosystem.
  • Guide and inspire other hubs and businesses through your experiences.

For a glimpse on the kind of input we are looking for, check out the success stories available on the EDIH Network Portal here.

We look forward to receiving your inspiring stories of digital transformation and collaboration. Let’s celebrate and spread the word about the EDIH Network and the power of innovation!

AI MAGISTER è un polo di innovazione digitale sovvenzionato dal MIMIT con un focus sull’Intelligenza Artificiale


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